Lens choices will vary according to prescription. We can help you select the right lens option for you, please ask our Opticians about your options. Some of the lenses we carry are Shamir, Varilux, Kodak and Hoya brand progressives. All lenses are available in transition and lightweight materials. We also carry a wide selection of specialty lenses, including those that correct for astigmatism, near vision , Keratoconus and aphakia. We can accommodate all lifestyles, needs and hobbies.
Our experienced and licensed Opticians will personally help you select the lenses that best suit your needs. Stop by one our Optical Shops to discuss your options.
Progressive Lenses help you see at all three ranges (close, mid and far away) in one seamless lens.
Bifocal Lenses are made up of two parts, top portion for seeing distance and bottom portion for seeing close up.
Trifocal Lenses are the same as Bifocal Lenses but with an additional portion for seeing intermediate.
Anti-Reflective Lenses help eliminate the reflections from the front and back of your lenses. Most patients find it helpful while driving at night and for patients diagnosed with cataracts.
Blue Light Filter Lenses eliminates blue light emitted by digital devices causing eye strain.
Scratch Resistance Lenses has a scratch resistant hard coat for extra durability in case they are dropped on the floor, but remember that nothing is scratch-proof.
Thinner & Lighter Lenses provide a cosmetically lighter look and feel.
UV Protection Lenses help block the UV rays from damaging your eyes.
Transition Lenses help protect your eyes from the brightest sun and harsh artificial light by changing from clear when indoors and darkens when exposed to sunlight.
Polarized Lenses shield you from the dangers of intense glare from water and snow. They make images appear sharper and clearer whether you drive, fish or just spend time in the sun.
Tinted Lenses make a fashion statement by adding color or for some people it may help your performance as an athlete.
Safety Frames products approved by OSHA.
Rec Specs protective sports eyewear.
For more information on lenses or to order glasses, please call our Optical Shop at 203-792-0090 or email optical@danburyeye.com.
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